Maine Hunting Seasons & Licensing: What You Need To Know (2024)
If you're a Maine resident, or if you're planning to visit Maine to hunt, it's important that you familiarize yourself with the state's hunting seasons and licensing requirements.
In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the hunting season dates and licensing requirements for Mainers and non-residents alike. We will also provide some tips on how to get your license, as well as information on what to do if you've been charged with a hunting violation.
Hunting In Maine
Maine is a great state for hunters because it has diverse and reliable game hunting. With large tracts of forested land, Maine supports healthy populations of white-tailed deer, moose, black bear, small game, and waterfowl. Hunters can find opportunities to hunt public and private land throughout the state.
Maine's deer herd is one of the largest in New England and offers good opportunities for hunters to bag a trophy buck. Moose are also abundant in Maine, with an estimated 75,000 moose inhabiting the state. Black bear populations are also strong, with an estimated 20,000 bears roaming the state.
Small game species such as squirrel, rabbit, ruffed grouse, and woodcock are also plentiful in Maine. The state is also a popular destination for waterfowl hunters, with many species of ducks and geese calling Maine home.
Whether you're looking to hunt big game, small game, or waterfowl, Maine has something to offer every hunter.
Maine Deer Seasons
Resident Only Day | Oct. 30 |
Youth Day | Oct. 23 |
Firearms | Nov. 1-27 |
Archery | Oct. 2-29 |
Muzzleloader | Statewide: Nov. 29-Dec. 4 Selected Regions: Dec. 6-11** |
Expanded Archery | Sept. 11-Dec. 11 |
**Season dates vary by zone/Wildlife Management District (WMDs). Deer season hunting requires deer permits. For more information about legal hunting in specific areas of Maine, visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website.
Maine Bear Seasons
General Season | Aug. 30-Nov. 27 |
Hunting With Dogs | Sept. 14-Oct. 30 |
Hunting With Bait | Aug. 30-Sept. 25 |
Youth Day | Aug. 28 |
Maine Moose Seasons
General Season | Sept. 27-Nov. 28** |
Resident Only Day | Oct. 31 |
**Season dates vary by zone. Moose hunting is restricted to permit holders and only one moose may be taken per year. Moose hunting is restricted to permit holders only and only one moose per year may be taken. Moose hunt seasons vary by location.
Maine Wild Turkey Seasons
Fall General Season | Sept. 20-Nov. 6 |
Fall Youth Day | Sept. 18 |
Spring General Season | May 2-June 4 |
Spring Youth Day | April 30 |
*Hunting dates may vary depending on region, and some areas may be closed to hunting. For more information, visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website.
Maine Small Game Seasons
Gray Squirrel | Sept. 25-Dec. 31 |
Snowshoe Hare | Sept. 25-March 31 |
Bobcat | Dec. 1-Feb. 21 |
Woodchuck, Coyote, Porcupine, Red Squirrel | Open Season |
Coyote Night Hunt | Dec. 16-Aug. 31 |
Ruffed Grouse & Bobwhite Quail | Sept. 25-Dec. 31 |
How To Get A Hunting License In Maine?
Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Firearms Card in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.
- Complete the Maine hunter education certification requirements.
- Choose the correct license type.
- Buy the license through the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website or a Maine–approved agent.
Maine License Expiration
Hunting licenses are good from the date of issue to Dec. 31 of the same year. Maine residents and non-residents may be eligible to purchase a lifetime hunting license. Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website for more details.
Where to Buy a Maine Hunting License
- Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife website.
- Visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife main office in Augusta or an approved license agent.
**Season dates vary by zone
Bag limits, special seasons and hunting regulations for Maine hunting seasons do vary based on animal and seasons. Maine is divided into wildlife management districts (WMD) that determine regional season start and end dates. For more information on obtaining licenses, permits and regulations, visit the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website.
Other Northeast States Hunting Seasons
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Maine Hunting Seasons
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