If you are a resident of New Hampshire, or if you are planning to visit the state to go hunting, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the hunting seasons and licensing requirements.

There are several different types of licenses available, and the regulations can vary depending on the type of game you are hunting. In this blog post, we will provide an overview of the licensing process and outline the hunting seasons for each type of game.

Hunting In New Hampshire

If you're planning on hunting in New Hampshire, there are a few things you should know. First of all, hunting is only allowed in certain areas - make sure to check the regulations before you go. Secondly, remember to buy a hunting license - without one, you won't be able to hunt. Finally, be aware of the different hunting seasons - different animals can only be hunted during specific times of year.

If you're new to hunting, or just want to brush up on your skills, there are plenty of hunting courses offered in New Hampshire. These will teach you everything you need to know about hunting safely and responsibly.

Once you're out in the field, be prepared for anything. New Hampshire is home to a variety of different wildlife, so you never know what you might see. If you're lucky, you might even spot a moose! But whatever you do, always be safe and respectful of the animals - they are wild creatures, after all. Have fun and happy hunting!

New Hampshire Deer Seasons

Archery Sept. 15-Dec. 15**
Muzzleloader Oct. 30-Nov. 9**
Firearms Nov. 10-Dec. 5**
Youth Weekend Oct. 23-24

**New Hampshire deer hunting seasons may close early in some areas of the state. For more information about hunting in New Hampshire’s wildlife management units (WMUs) or dates precise to your part of the state, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game website.

Deer permits are required, only one deer may be harvested per permit. Antlered and antlerless may be harvested within the same season dates, but regions may have differing regulations. For additional information, be sure to visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department website.

New Hampshire Black Bear Seasons

General Season Sept. 1-Nov. 10**

**New Hampshire has varying season dates by region. For more information on regional hunting dates, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department website. New Hampshire prohibits the use of chocolate as bear bait, as chocolate could be potential toxic to bears if eaten in large quantities.

New Hampshire Moose Seasons

General Season Oct. 16-24

*Moose harvest is regulated by lottery-style permits, and while state moose populations have grown, being selected for a hunt is rare. For more information about how to apply for a moose hunt license, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game website.

New Hampshire Wild Turkey Seasons

Fall Archery Sept. 15-Dec. 15**
Fall Firearms Oct. 11-17
Spring General Season May 1-31

**Season dates vary by zone. Wild turkey permits in New Hampshire are for both the spring and fall turkey hunting seasons, meaning one permit gives you a year’s worth of turkey hunting access in the Granite State.

New Hampshire Small Game Seasons

Snowshoe Hare and Rabbit Oct. 1-March 31
Gray Squirrel Sept. 1-Jan. 31
Ruffed Grouse, Quail, Chukar, Hungarian Partridge Oct. 1-Dec. 31
Crow Aug. 15-Nov. 30 and Mar. 16-31
Woodcock Oct. 1-Nov. 14

How To Get A Hunting License In New Hampshire?

Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.

  1. Complete the New Hampshire hunter education certification requirements.
  2. Choose the correct license type.
  3. Buy the license through the New Hampshire Department of Wildlife website or a Nevada–approved agent.

New Hampshire License Expiration

Annual Hunting and Combination licenses are valid for one full year from the date of purchase.

Where to Buy a New Hampshire Hunting License

Bag limits, special seasons and hunting regulations for New Hampshire hunting seasons do vary based on animal and seasons. For more information on obtaining licenses, permits and regulations, visit the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department website.

Other Northeast States Hunting Seasons

Connecticut Hunting Seasons
Delaware Hunting Seasons
Maine Hunting Seasons
Maryland Hunting Seasons
Massachusetts Hunting Seasons
New Hampshire Hunting Seasons
New Jersey Hunting Seasons
New York Hunting Seasons
Pennsylvania Hunting Seasons
Rhode Island Hunting Seasons

Vermont Hunting Seasons

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