If you're thinking of hunting in Alaska this year, it's important to familiarize yourself with the state's hunting seasons and licensing requirements.

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of what you need to know in order to hunt in Alaska. We will also discuss the different types of licenses available, as well as how to apply for a license.

So if you're ready to start planning your Alaskan hunt, read on for all the information you need!

Hunting In Colorado

If you enjoy hunting, there's no better place to do it than in Colorado. The state is home to some of the best hunting grounds in the country, and there are plenty of opportunities to bag a big game animal.

Whether you're after deer, elk, or even bear, you can find good hunting spots all over Colorado. The state is divided into several different hunting areas, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs. There are also a variety of different reasons to choose from, so you can hunt when it's most convenient for you.

Colorado is a great place to hunt because the scenery is beautiful and the wildlife is plentiful. You'll have a great time whether you're successful in your hunt or not. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and enjoy the great outdoors!

Colorado Elk Seasons

Archery Sept. 2-30
Muzzleloaders Sept. 11-19
Rifle Oct. 16-20, Oct. 30-Nov. 7, Nov. 13-19 and Nov. 24-28

Colorado Deer Seasons

Archery Sept. 2-30
Muzzleloaders Sept. 11-19
Rifle Oct. 30-Nov. 7, Nov. 13-19, Nov. 24-28

Colorado Plains Deer Seasons

Archery Oct. 1-29, Nov. 10-30 and Dec. 15-31
Muzzleloaders Oct. 9-17
Rifle Oct. 30-Nov. 9 and Dec. 1-14

Colorado Pronghorn Seasons

Archery: Bucks Only Aug. 15-31
Archery: Bucks and Does Sept. 1-20
Muzzleloader Sept. 21-29
Rifle Oct. 2-10

Colorado Moose Seasons

Archery Sept. 11-30
Muzzleloaders Sept. 11-19
Rifle Oct. 1-14

Colorado Bear Seasons

Archery Sept. 2-30
Muzzleloaders Sept. 11-19
Rifle Sept. 2-30, Oct. 16-20, Oct. 30-Nov. 7, Nov. 13-19, Nov. 24-28 and (Private land only) Sept. 2-Nov. 28

Colorado Turkey Seasons

Fall Sept. 1-Oct. 29**

**Season dates vary by zone

Colorado Small Game Seasons

Abert’s Squirrel Nov. 15-Jan. 15
Beaver Oct. 1-Apr. 30
Bobcat Dec. 1-Feb. 28
Common Snapping Turtle Apr. 1-Oct. 31
Rabbit Oct. 1-Feb. 28
Coyote Open season
Fox and Pine Squirrel Oct. 1-Feb. 28
Marmot Aug. 10-Oct. 15
Prairie Dogs June 15-Feb. 28
Prairie Rattlesnake June 15-Aug. 15
Wyoming Ground Squirrel Open season

How To Get A Hunting License In Colorado?

Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.

  1. Complete the Colorado hunter education certification requirements.
  2. Choose the correct license type.
  3. Buy the license through the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website or a Colorado–approved retailer.

Colorado License Expiration

Hunting licenses for small game are good from April 1 to March 31 of the next year. Hunting licenses for big game expire on the expiration date printed on the license.

Where to Buy a Colorado Hunting License

Colorado hunting seasons, bagging totals and available licenses vary by region. You must apply for a license, some of which are selected at random. Additionally, Colorado hunting seasons include several regional and special permit hunt times. For information on how to obtain season licenses for harvest, visit the Colorado Parks and Wildlife website.

Other Northwest States Hunting Seasons

Alaska Hunting Seasons
Arizona Hunting Seasons
California Hunting Seasons
Colorado Hunting Seasons
Hawaii Hunting Seasons
Idaho Hunting Seasons

Montana Hunting Seasons
Nevada Hunting Seasons
New Mexico Hunting Seasons
Oregon Hunting Seasons

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