Oregon Hunting Seasons & Licensing: What You Need To Know (2024)
Hunting season is fast approaching, and if you're an Oregonian, you'll want to be sure you have all the information you need before hitting the great outdoors.
In this blog post, we will outline everything you need to know about hunting seasons and licensing in Oregon.
Whether you're a first-time hunter or a seasoned pro, there's something here for everyone! So read on and get ready for another exciting hunting season in the Beaver State!
Hunting In Oregon
Oregon is a great state for hunting. There are many different types of game to hunt, and the scenery is beautiful. Oregon has a variety of hunting seasons, so there is always something to hunt. Here are some things to know about hunting in Oregon.
The first thing you need to do is get a hunting license. You can get a hunting license from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. You will need to take a hunting safety course before you can get a hunting license.
There are many different types of game to hunt in Oregon. Some of the most popular animals to hunt are deer, elk, and bighorn sheep. There are also many different types of birds to hunt, such as ducks and geese.
Oregon has a variety of hunting seasons. The most popular hunting season is the deer hunting season. This hunting season usually runs from October to December. Other hunting seasons include the elk hunting season, which runs from September to November, and the bighorn sheep hunting season, which runs from August to October.
If you are planning on hunting in Oregon, there are a few things you need to know. First, you need to get a hunting license. Second, there are many different types of game to hunt. Third, Oregon has a variety of hunting seasons. fourth, always follow hunting safety rules. By following these tips, you will have a great hunting experience in Oregon.
Oregon Black Bear Seasons
General Season | Aug. 1-Dec. 31** |
**Season dates vary by zone. Many of the state’s hunts are controlled hunts, and hunters must have permits to hunt black bears.
Oregon Cougar Seasons
General Season | Jan. 1-Dec. 31 |
Cougar seasons run until Dec. 31 or until area hunting quotas are met. It is unlawful to take spotted kittens or female cougars with spotted kittens.
Oregon Pronghorn Seasons
General Season | Aug. 7-Sept. 26** |
Archery | Aug. 14-Oct. 24** |
Muzzleloader | Aug. 25-Sept. 12** |
Youth Only | Aug. 1-29** |
**Season dates vary by zone. Pronghorn hunting in Oregon is limited to one bagged animal per season — buck, doe, or fawn depending on your hunting area.
Oregon Rocky Mountain Goat/Bighorn Sheep Seasons
General Season | Aug. 15-Oct. 31** |
**Season dates vary by zone. Bighorn sheep ram hunts are considered once-in-a-lifetime hunts, however hunters can harvest ewes more frequently.
Oregon Deer Seasons
Firearm | Oct. 2-Nov. 5 |
Archery | Aug. 28-Sept. 26 |
Many of Oregon’s deer seasons are controlled hunt seasons, which require specialty permits; beginning in 2021, all eastern Oregon archery hunts are controlled hunts, whil ethose in western Oregon are not.
Oregon Elk Seasons
Firearm | Nov. 6-26** |
Archery | Aug. 28-Sept. 26** |
**Season dates vary greatly in some regions of the state based on specific hunting units. Many of Oregon’s elk seasons are controlled hunt seasons, which require specialty permits.
Oregon Small Game Seasons
Western Gray Squirrel | North/Central: Sept. 15-Oct. 31 Elsewhere: Sept. 1-Nov. 15 |
Badger, Coyote, Nutria, Opossum, Porcupine, Spotted Skunk, Striped Skunk, Weasel | Open Season |
How To Get A Hunting License In Oregon?
Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.
- Complete the Oregon hunter education certification requirements.
- Choose the correct license type.
- Buy the license through the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website or an Oregon–approved agent.
Oregon License Expiration
Hunting licenses are good through Dec. 31 of each year.
Where to Buy an Oregon Hunting License
- Visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website.
- Visit an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife office or an approved agent.
- Mail or fax in a paper application.
Bag limits, special seasons and hunting regulations for Oregon hunting seasons do vary based on animal and seasons, as the state is divided into hunting units with differing rules and regulations. For more information on obtaining licenses, permits and regulations, visit the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife website.
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