If you are looking to go hunting in the state of Washington, then you need to be familiar with the licensing process and the hunting seasons.

In this blog post, we will provide all of the information that you need to know in order to get started. We will cover everything from license requirements to deer hunting season dates. So whether you are a first-time hunter or a seasoned pro, read on for all the details!

Hunting In Washington

Washington is a great state for hunting, with plenty of game and scenic landscapes. The state is home to several species of large game, including deer, elk, and moose. Washington also has a large population of small game, such as rabbits and squirrels.

The landscape of Washington provides hunters with a variety of habitats to explore. The state is home to mountains, forests, and grasslands. Each of these habitats is home to different types of games.

Washington state has many public hunting areas, as well as private land that is open to hunters. There are also several hunting lodges and guides available to help hunters plan their trips.

Whether you are a seasoned hunter or new to the sport, Washington is a great state to go hunting. With plenty of games and scenic landscapes, there is something for everyone.

Washington Deer Seasons

High Buck Hunts (Firearms) Sept. 15-25
General Season Oct. 16-31**
Late General Season Nov. 6-21**
Disabled and Senior Hunts Oct. 23-26
Youth Hunts Oct. 16-26**
Early Archery Sept. 1-24**
Late Archery Nov. 24-Dec. 31**
High Buck Hunts (Muzzleloader) Sept. 15-25
Early Muzzleloader Sept. 25-Oct. 3
Late Muzzleloader Nov. 24-Dec. 15**

**Season dates vary by zone. Deer season dates in Washington vary by unit region and breed of deer (white-tailed, black-tailed, or mule). Be sure to check out the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website for a legal, successful hunt!

Washington Elk Seasons

Firearms Eastern Washington: Aug. 1-Jan. 20**
Western Washington: Nov. 6-17
Early Archery Eastern Washington: Aug. 1-Sept. 23**
Western Washington: Sept. 11-23
Late Archery Eastern Washington: Aug. 1-Jan. 30**
Western Washington: Nov. 24-Dec. 15
Early Muzzleloader Eastern Washington: Aug. 1-31 and Oct. 2-8
Western Washington: Oct. 2-8
Late Muzzleloader Eastern Washington: Aug. 1-Jan. 20**
Western Washington: Nov. 24-Dec. 31**

**Season dates vary by zone. While Washington generally divides archery seasons by eastern and western portions of the state, many eastern regions are further subdivided into hunting zones. For more information on dates specific to your location, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website.

Washington Black Bear Seasons

General Season Aug. 1-Nov. 15

Washington hunters may bag a maximum of two black bear per year.

Washington Cougar Seasons

Early Season Sept. 1-Dec. 31
Late Season Jan. 1-Apr. 30

Late season cougar hunting can extend through the end of April, or until harvest quotas are met. Hunters may harvest one cougar per year.

Washington Turkey Seasons

Fall General Season Sept. 1-Dec. 31
Spring General Season Jan. 1-Apr. 30
Spring Youth Season Apr. 15-May 31

Washington Small Game Seasons

Bobcat Sept. 1-Mar. 15
Fox Sept. 1-Mar. 15
Raccoon Sept. 1-Mar. 15
Rabbit and Hare Sept. 1-Mar. 15
Forest Grouse Sept. 1-Dec. 31
Mountain Quail Sept. 25-Nov. 30
Pheasant Sept. 25-Jan. 17**
Crow Sept. 1-Dec. 31
Coyote Open Season

How To Get A Hunting License In Washington?

Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Certification Card in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.

  1. Complete the Washington hunter education certification requirements.
  2. Choose the correct license type.
  3. Buy the license through the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website or a Washington–approved vendor.

Washington License Expiration

Hunting licenses are good from April 1 to March 31 of the next year.

Where to Buy a Washington Hunting License

**Season dates vary by zone. For more information on small game hunting in Washington, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife website.

Bag limits, special seasons and hunting regulations for Washington hunting seasons do vary based on animal and seasons. For information on obtaining licenses, permits and regulations, visit the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Other Southwest States Hunting Seasons

Utah Hunting Seasons
Washington Hunting Seasons

Wyoming Hunting Season

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