If you're an Ohioan who enjoys hunting, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest hunting seasons and licensing information.

In this blog post, we will outline everything you need to know in order to enjoy a safe and successful hunting season. We'll discuss license requirements, bag limits, restricted areas, and much more!

So whether you're a first-time hunter or a seasoned pro, be sure to read on for all the details.

Hunting In Ohio

Ohio offers a variety of hunting opportunities, from deer and waterfowl hunting to small game and turkey hunting. Ohio's wildlife management areas, state parks, and other public hunting lands offer great places to hunt.

Before heading out, be sure to review the Ohio hunting regulations and check for any hunting season dates and bag limits. You will also need to obtain a hunting license, which can be done online or at any hunting and fishing license vendor.

If you are new to hunting, there are a few things you should know before heading out. First, always practice safety when handling firearms. Second, make sure you are familiar with the game you are hunting and know the laws and regulations regarding hunting in Ohio.

Third, be sure to take some time to learn about hunting ethics and conservation. These are important values that all hunters should uphold. By following these simple tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable hunting experience for everyone involved.

Ohio Deer Seasons

Archery Sept. 25-Feb. 6
Youth Hunt Nov. 20-22
Firearms Nov. 29-Dec. 5 and Dec. 18-19
Muzzleloader Jan. 8-11

Individual Ohio counties have bag limits; counties may have two, three or four deer maximums. Be sure to visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for additional bagging information.

Ohio Wild Turkey Seasons

Fall General Season Oct. 9-Nov. 28
Spring Youth Hunt Apr. 9-10
Spring General Season Northeast Zone: Apr. 30-May 29
South Zone: Apr. 23-May 22

Fall turkey hunting is only legal in some areas of Ohio. For more information about hunts in your area, visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website.

Ohio Small Game Seasons

Crow June 4-March 5
Squirrel Sept. 1-Jan. 31
Ruffed Grouse Public Land: Oct. 9-Nov. 28
Private Land: Oct. 9-Jan. 1
Cottontail Rabbit Nov. 5-Feb. 28
Ring-necked Pheasant Nov. 5-Jan. 9
Chukar Nov. 5-Jan. 9
Bobwhite Quail Nov. 5-Nov. 28
Raccoon, Skunk, Opossum, Weasel, Fox Nov. 10-Jan. 31

How To Get A Hunting License In Ohio?

Hunting education is currently required in many states. An approved Hunting safety course is required to comply with the laws and regulations in those jurisdictions. Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt. For more information, see the Ohio Hunting Laws and Regulations page.

Did you lose your certificate? Replace it here.

  1. Complete the Ohio hunter education certification requirements.
  2. Choose the correct license type.
  3. Buy the license through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website or an Ohio-approved agent.

Ohio License Expiration

Hunting licenses are good from March 1 to the last day of February of the next year.

Where to Buy an Ohio Hunting License

Quail hunting is only legal in some areas of Ohio. For more information about hunts in your area, visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website.

Ohio hunting seasons and bagging totals often vary by region. For area and licensing information, visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website. The website also provides maps for public hunting and trapping locations, as well as recipes for game bagged in the region.

Other Midwest States Hunting Seasons

Illinois Hunting Seasons
Indiana Hunting Seasons
Iowa Hunting Seasons
Kansas Hunting Seasons
Kentucky Hunting Seasons
Michigan Hunting Seasons
Minnesota Hunting Seasons
Missouri Hunting Seasons
Nebraska Hunting Seasons
North Dakota Hunting Seasons
Ohio Hunting Seasons
South Dakota Hunting Seasons
Wisconsin Hunting Seasons

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